Event Information
The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), the governing body of the sport, in cooperation with Athletics Australia and the City of Melbourne, is participating in IAAF Run 24:1, a global campaign to inspire and motivate people to experience the excitement of running.
IAAF Run 24:1 is a series of 24 one-mile runs that will be contested around the world celebrating the spirit of Global Running Day which annually takes place on the first Wednesday in June. Partnering with sports ministries, city governments, race organisers and member federations around the world, the IAAF initiative incorporates races to be held in two dozen cities across 24 countries on six continents during the first week in June to create a worldwide celebration of running.
Sunday 2 June at 09:00 local time.
University of Melbourne
Participation is open and free to everybody, of all ages and abilities. To participate, you just need to register by Thursday 30 May. Then, plan to arrive at the starting point no more than one hour before the start of the race to receive your bib number and to meet your city captain. And that’s it!
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